Friday, 27 September 2013

Exploit (Bukit Brown Cemetery II) Draft

These are a few more stills from work in progress by Simon Ball and I:

We will be showing the final version of this alongside my solo work Respect (Bukit Brown Cemetery I) at STRARTA ART FAIR, London, and hopefully Seeing Sound, Bath!

Approach to Sound Design

[text to follow]

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Infintesimal Distance Between Two Bodies

It's been a hectic but productive few weeks! I've come to Singapore to take on the role of sound designer for The Infinitesimal Distance Between Two Bodies. Working alongside a great team!

The piece itself (in summary) explores the dynamics of human relationships through the connection between two dancers, two bodies, backstage.

When time allows I'll write a more detailed post about how the sound design relates to this concept, but for the time being I'll share some photos:

Monday, 2 September 2013

Exploit... In Progress

Stills of from a collaborative work with Simon Ball, Exploit (Bukit Brown Cemetery II).